Mostra in ordine alfabetico:

Estensione del fileAutore/ProduttoreDescrizione del file
Estensione NNicolas CannasseNeko Bytecode Format
Estensione N-GAGENokiaNokia N-Gage Application Format
Estensione N2NitrousNitrous Minecraft GLSL Shader Format
Estensione N2KMzswordHeadshape Modding 3D Tool For 3D Studio Max Modding
Estensione N3DNuclear GloryNuclear Studio 3D Model Format
Estensione N3PMESHK2 NetworkKnight Online 3D Mesh Format
Estensione N64N/ANintendo 64 Emulation ROM Image Format
Estensione N81Apple, Inc.Apple IOS Kernel Cache
Estensione N88Apple, Inc.Apple IOS Kernel Cache
Estensione N90Apple, Inc.Apple IOS Kernel Cache
Estensione N90APApple, Inc.IPhone Jailbreak Firmware
Estensione N92Apple, Inc.Apple IOS Firmware
Estensione NA2MozillaSeamonkey Address Book Format
Estensione NABAOL Inc.Netscape Communicator Addressbook
Estensione NACLSig SoftwareNameCleaner
Estensione NAFNative Instruments, Inc.TRAKTOR Service
Estensione NALMicrosoft CorporationSystem Management Server Network Abstraction Layer
Estensione NAMU.S. Geological SurveyMODFLOW Name Format
Estensione NAPNapsterNapster Music Security Definition Format
Estensione NAPRSig SoftwareNameCleaner Preference
Estensione NARCNintendoNintendo DS Archive Format
Estensione NARRATIVEMariner Software, Inc.Mariner Software Narrator Audio Document
Estensione NASN/ANasal Script
Estensione NAVValveCounter-Strike Source CBot Navigation Mesh Format
Estensione NAV2ZJMediaWinAVI Temporary Navigation Format
Estensione NAVMAPEsriESRI Data
Estensione NAZDeadline GamesTotal Overdose Game Data Format
Estensione NBWolfram ResearchMathematica Notebook Format
Estensione NB0N/AMicrosoft Device Emulator Operating System Image Format
Estensione NB2DJI Interprises, LLCNewsbin Unfinished Download
Estensione NB7N/ANovaBACKUP Output Data Backup Format
Estensione NBANeroNero BackItUp Archive Format
Estensione NBAKThe Neat CompanyNeat Backup
Estensione NBCNBCNext Byte Codes Source Code Format
Estensione NBDNovaStorPC Backup Pro Backup Format
Estensione NBETenable Network SecurityNessus Scan Result Format
Estensione NBFNewTech InfosystemsBackup NOW! Backup Archive Format
Estensione NBFCN/ANintendo DS Nitro Basic File Character
Estensione NBFPN/ANintedo DS Nitro Basic File Palette
Estensione NBFSN/ANintendo DS Nitro Basic File Screen
Estensione NBHN/AHTC ROM Update Utility ROM Image Format
Estensione NBINeroNero BackItUp Backup Format
Estensione NBINTenable Network SecurityCompiled NASL Script
Estensione NBKSMART TechnologiesNovaBACKUP Script Format
Estensione NBLSega CorporationPhantasy Star Universe
Estensione NBMOracleNetBeans Module Format
Estensione NBPWolfram ResearchMathematica Notebook Format
Estensione NBRNovawave, incSaved Benchmark Result
Estensione NBSDavid NorgrenMinecraft Note Block Studio Format
Estensione NBTMojangMinecraft Named Binary Tag Format
Estensione NBUNokiaNokia PC Suite 6.82+ Backup Format
Estensione NBZArcSoft, Inc.ArcSoft Total Media Backup & Record Backup
Estensione NCCNC SoftwareMastercam NC Program Format
Estensione NC1N/AXsteel CAD
Estensione NC2newsleecher.comNewsLeecher Cache
Estensione NC?Trend Media Corporation LimitedFlashGet Download Manager Incomplete Download
Estensione NCANikon CorporationNikon Capture Color Adjustment
Estensione NCBMicrosoftMicrosoft Developer Studio Non-compiled Browse Format
Estensione NCCN/ACNC (Computer Numeric Control) Control File (CamView 3D)
Estensione NCDNeroNero CoverDesigner Image Format
Estensione NCERN/ANintendo DS Nitro Cell Resource
Estensione NCFValveSteam Client Game Configuration Format
Estensione NCFGESRIArcGIS Explorer Configuration Format
Estensione NCGRNintendoNintendo DS Title Graphics Format
Estensione NCHMicrosoftMicrosoft Outlook Express Email Tree
Estensione NCICNC Software, Inc.Mastercam Toolpath
Estensione NCLKN/AHTML Formatted Text
Estensione NCLRNintendoNintendo DS Color Palette Format
Estensione NCONeroNero BackItUp Compressed Backup Format
Estensione NCOMPRichard Hughey - Kevin Karplus - Anders KroghSAM Dirichlet Mixture Prior Library
Estensione NCORAdobe SystemsAdobe Encore Project Format
Estensione NCORXAdobe SystemsAdobe Encore Project Format
Estensione NCPEA SportsNHL Ice Hockey 2002 User NHLcards
Estensione NCRN/ANCR Image Image Format
Estensione NCSBioWareBioware Aurora / Obsidian Electron Compiled Script
Estensione NCSSNCSSNCSS Data
Estensione NCTNeroCoverDesigner Template
Estensione NCVNikon CorporationNikon Capture Curves
Estensione NCWNeroNero CoverDesigner Picture Template Format
Estensione NCXIDPFNavigation Control File For XML
Estensione NCZNetcadNetcad Drawing
Estensione NDIntuitQuickBooks Network Data Format
Estensione ND5N/ANintendo DS Game ROM Format
Estensione NDANero AGNero BackItUp Drive Image
Estensione NDBSourcefireClamAV Extended Signature Format
Estensione NDCIBMIBM Personal Communications Settings Format
Estensione NDDNikon CorporationNikon Capture Digital DEE
Estensione NDFMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server Secondary Data Format
Estensione NDIFNokiaNokia Data Format
Estensione NDKIBMLotus Notes Database Design Elements
Estensione NDLIBMLotus Notes Data Format
Estensione NDMActivisionEnemy Territory Quake Wars Demo
Estensione NDOIZware LLCNendo
Estensione NDOCNHNNaver Word
Estensione NDOTSM.CarsonRibbons Ndots
Estensione NDPBrøderbund Software, Inc.Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project
Estensione NDROpen Text CorporationRightFax Executable
Estensione NDSN/ANintendo DS Game ROM Image Format
Estensione NDTNEPLANNEPLAN External Program Import Or Export
Estensione NDUN/ASymbian Phone Backup
Estensione NDVExelis Visual Information SolutionsENVI N-D Visualizer State
Estensione NDWNemetschek AGAllplan Drawing
Estensione NDXN/ADBase Index Format
Estensione NE0NetBSD Foundation, Inc.NetBSD Config
Estensione NE1OM2 Technology Inc.OM2 OMALI NENA Version 1 Document
Estensione NE3OM2 Technology Inc.OM2 OMALI NENA Document
Estensione NEDOMNeT++ CommunityOMNet++ Network Description Format
Estensione NEFNikonNikon Digital SLR Camera RAW Image Format
Estensione NEKONicolas CannasseNeko Source Code Format
Estensione NENBrøderbund Software, Inc.Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project
Estensione NEOAtariAtari NeoChrome Bitmap Image
Estensione NEOSAVENeopets, Inc.Neopets Puzzle Adventure Saved Game
Estensione NESN/ANintendo Entertainment System ROM Image
Estensione NESSUSTenable Network SecurityNessus Network Security Scanner Format
Estensione NETnetVizNetViz Project Format
Estensione NETAN/ANetica Bayesian Network Binary Format
Estensione NETBOOTThe Open GroupUnix Netboot Script
Estensione NETKITThe GNOME ProjectGnome Desktop
Estensione NETRCIBM.netrc TCP/IP Settings
Estensione NETSHMicrosoft CorporationNetsh File Extension
Estensione NETSPDNetSpot Team. EtwokNetSpot Survey Project Format
Estensione NETSPMNetSpot Team. EtwokNetSpot Map Format
Estensione NETWORKCONNECTAppleApple Network Connect Document
Estensione NEUParametric TechnologyPro/Engineer Neutral Format
Estensione NEULICENSEElegant ChaosNeu License
Estensione NEWN/AAmeco Embroidery Format
Estensione NEWSLOCApple, Inc.Apple Mac OS X Finder News Internet Location
Estensione NEXN/ANeuroexplorer Neurological Data
Estensione NEXEGoogleGoogle Chrome Native Client Executable Format
Estensione NEZN/ANES ROM Emulator Image
Estensione NFBNokiaNokia PC Suite Phone Backup Format
Estensione NFCNokiaNokia PC Suite Phone Backup Format
Estensione NFFAutodeskHaines Neutral File Format
Estensione NFGDJI Interprises, LLCNewsBin Configuration
Estensione NFIDream MultimediaDreambox Disc Image Format
Estensione NFLNokiaNokia Flash Lite Package
Estensione NFMEmbarcadero TechnologiesDelphi .NET Form Format
Estensione NFOMicrosoftInformation Readme Text Format
Estensione NFPN/AArchive
Estensione NFSN/ANetwork Format System Temporary Format
Estensione NFS11SAVEElectronic ArtsNeed For Speed: Hot Pursuit 2010 Configuration Format
Estensione NFS13SAVEElectronic Arts, Inc.Need For Speed: Most Wanted Saved Game
Estensione NFTNetObjects Inc.NetObjects Fusion System
Estensione NFTRN/ANintendo DS Font Type Format
Estensione NFXNetObjects Inc.NetObjects Fusion Components Bbscomp
Estensione NGAGENokiaNokia N-Gage Game Format
Estensione NGCXilinxXilinx Integrated Software Environment Generated Format
Estensione NGDXilinxXilinx Integrated Software Environment Format
Estensione NGGN/ANokia Group Graphics Image Format
Estensione NGHJoWooD Entertainment AGNeighbours From Hell 2 Saved Game
Estensione NGLOSSNisus Software, Inc.Nisus Writer Pro Glossary
Estensione NGNTerminal RealityFly! Engine Specification
Estensione NGOBrøderbund Software, Inc.Nick-O-Matic Design Factory Project
Estensione NGPN/ANeo Geo Pocket ROM Image Format
Estensione NGRNEPLANNEPLAN Graphic Data
Estensione NGRRNative Instruments, Inc.GUITAR RIG Sound
Estensione NGSNext Generation Security Software Ltd (NGS)NGSSniff
Estensione NGTNoni GPSPlotNONI GPSPlot GIS Format
Estensione NHStichting Mathematisch CentrumNetHack Defaults
Estensione NHAHIMSANative Noah Format
Estensione NHBAnders PeterssonNo Hands Backup Backup Description
Estensione NHDNero AGNero AVHCD DVD Compilation
Estensione NHFNero AGNero HFS-CD Compilation
Estensione NHLEA SportsNhl Ice Hockey Game 2002 User Teams
Estensione NHNijji Games LLCIjji REACTOR Html Launch
Estensione NHPN/ANOAA Hydrophone Data
Estensione NHSNHibernate DevelopersNHibernate
Estensione NHVNero AGNero HD-BURN-Video Compilation
Estensione NINetObjects Inc.NetObjects Fusion Preview
Estensione NIANikon CorporationNikon Capture Image Adjustment
Estensione NIBN/AInterface Builder User Interface Resources
Estensione NICKMicrosoftMicrosoft Outlook Nickname Format
Estensione NICNTNative Instruments, Inc.Native Instruments KONTAKT Library
Estensione NICRASHNative Instruments, Inc.TRAKTOR Crash Report
Estensione NIDNikon CorporationNikon Capture IPTC Data
Estensione NIFEmergent Game TechnologiesGameBryo Format
Estensione NIFFN/ANIFF Navy Image File Format
Estensione NILSymantec CorporationNorton Icon Library
Estensione NIMNimrod Software FoundationNimrod Source Code Format
Estensione NIPMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft DRM (Digital Right Management)
Estensione NISTN/AAudio
Estensione NITEsriArcView INFO Table Definitions
Estensione NITFN/ANational Imagery Transmission Format
Estensione NIXIBMRational XDE
Estensione NJBNikonNikon Digital SLR Camera Image Index Format
Estensione NJFN/AIBM Lotus Domino
Estensione NJINeroNero BackItUp Job Format
Estensione NJTNero AGNero BackItUp Job Template
Estensione NJXNJStar SoftwareNJStar Document Format
Estensione NKThe FoundryNUKE Script Format
Estensione NK2MicrosoftMicrosoft Outlook Contacts AutoComplete Format
Estensione NKBNative InstrumentsKontakt Audio Bank
Estensione NKCNative InstrumentsNative Instruments KONTAKT Library Data Format
Estensione NKDNikon CorporationNikon ViewNX Thumbnail Cache
Estensione NKINative InstrumentsNative Instruments Instruments Sample Format
Estensione NKMNative InstrumentsNative Instruments KONTAKT Format
Estensione NKPNative InstrumentsKontakt Saved Presets
Estensione NKRNative Instruments, Inc.KONTAKT Resource Container
Estensione NKSNative InstrumentsNative Instruments Archive Format
Estensione NKXNative InstrumentsNative Instruments Monolith Format
Estensione NLSymantec CorporationNorton Desktop Icon Library
Estensione NL2eSignalESignal Market Depth
Estensione NLANG3Ashampoo GmbH & Co. KGAshampoo Internet Accelerator Language
Estensione NLBCodemastersColin McRae Rally Network Leader Boards Game
Estensione NLCNero AGNero Linux Compilation
Estensione NLELEMMad DataNoLimits Rollercoaster Simulation Track Element Format
Estensione NLGMartin FreijNestopia Language
Estensione NLKN/AOutlook 2003 E-mail Cookie
Estensione NLMNokiaNokia Logo File Image Format
Estensione NLOGONetLogoNetLogo Model Format
Estensione NLOGO3DNetLogoNetLogo 3D Model Format
Estensione NLPDPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For SQLite Data Synchronization Profile
Estensione NLPEPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For SQLite Exported Table
Estensione NLPEQPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For SQLite Export Query Result Profile
Estensione NLPEVPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat Export View Result Profile
Estensione NLPIPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For SQLite Import Wizard Profile
Estensione NLPTPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For SQLite Data Transfer Profile
Estensione NLPXMad DataMad Data NoLimits Game Data Format
Estensione NLRN/ANLREG Nonlinear Regression Control
Estensione NLSMicrosoftMicrosoft National Language Support Format
Estensione NLTRACKMad DataNoLimits Roller Coaster Track Format
Estensione NLVNikon CorporationNikon Capture LCHE Editor
Estensione NMSpace EngineSpace Engine Nebula Model Format
Estensione NM2NavitelNavitel Navigator Map Format
Estensione NM3NavitelNavitel Navigator 5.0 Map Format
Estensione NM5Nova Mind Software Pty Ltd.NovaMind Mind Map
Estensione NM7GPS MoldovaNavitel Navigator Map
Estensione NMAPNaviComputerNaviComputer Map Format
Estensione NMBDThe Samba TeamSamba Log
Estensione NMBTEMPLATEAppleApple Numbers Spreadsheet Template Format
Estensione NMCESRIArcGIS Explorer Map Content Format
Estensione NMDNero AGNero MiniDVD Compilation
Estensione NMFESRIArcGIS Explorer Map Format
Estensione NMIStudyLamp Software LLCSwordSearcher
Estensione NMINDNovaMindNovaMind Mind Map Format
Estensione NMKMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft Program Maintenance Utility Make
Estensione NMLNative InstrumentsTraktor Collection Format
Estensione NMMMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft 3D Movie Maker Video
Estensione NMODassault Systèmes S.A.Virtools Behavioral Objects
Estensione NMPEyePower GamesNewsMaker Project Format
Estensione NMRAcorn NMR Inc.WxNUTS Histogram
Estensione NMSNuMegaNumega SoftICE Loader File Including Debugging Info
Estensione NMSVNative Instruments, Inc.Native Instruments MASSIVE Audio
Estensione NMUEMC CorporationEMC Documentum Client Library Query Cache
Estensione NMVQuietustNintendulator Movie Capture
Estensione NMWMicrosoft CorporationMicrosoft NetMeeting T126_Whiteboard
Estensione NNNeroNero CD List Format
Estensione NNINeural ScienceANNI Neural Network Investing Format
Estensione NNPNeural ScienceANNI Neural Network Portfolio Format
Estensione NNRNikon CorporationNikon Capture Noise Reduction
Estensione NNTPSimon FraserNewsWatcher
Estensione NNVSNextNine Ltd.NextNine VNC Player VNC Session
Estensione NNWNeuralWareNeuralWare NeuralWorks
Estensione NOBN/ASilver Game Data
Estensione NODNetObjectsNetObjects Fusion Nodes Format
Estensione NODESPowerFolderPowerFolder Nodes
Estensione NOFNetObjects Inc.NetObject Fusion 5.0
Estensione NOINDEXApple, Inc.Mac OS X Spotlight Index
Estensione NOKIANokia CorporationNokia Proprietary Ringtone Format
Estensione NOKOGIRINokogiri TeamNokogiri Source
Estensione NOKTXTN/ANokia Proprietary Ringtone Text Format
Estensione NOLN/ANokia Operator Logo Image Format
Estensione NOMEDIAN/AGoogle Android OS System Format
Estensione NONLucasArts Entertainment Company, LLCStar Wars: Tie Fighter Mouse Options
Estensione NOPNokia CorporationNokia Smart Shoot RAW Photo
Estensione NOPDPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For Oracle Data Synchronization Profile
Estensione NOPEPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For Oracle Exported Table
Estensione NOPEMPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For Oracle Export Materialized View Profile
Estensione NOPEQPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For Oracle Export Query Result Profile
Estensione NOPEVPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For Oracle Export View Result Profile
Estensione NOPIPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For Oracle Import Wizard Profile
Estensione NOPTPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For Oracle Data Transfer Profile
Estensione NORN/ANorwegian Localization
Estensione NOSN/AJDOS System
Estensione NOTNotation SoftwareNotation Or Note Format
Estensione NOTEFailsafe GamesNotessimo Song Format
Estensione NOTEBOOKSMART TechnologiesSMART Notebook Format
Estensione NOTESGuys with TowelsMemento Note Format
Estensione NOTXRick MeyersE-Sword Study
Estensione NOT_TERMINATEDApple, Inc.Mac OS X Audit Log
Estensione NOVNative Instruments, Inc.NI Battery Cache
Estensione NOVSNovell, Inc.Novell NetWare Control Center
Estensione NOXRicardo plc.Wave IRIS NOx
Estensione NPN/APortfolio NetPublish Web Template Format
Estensione NPAReliaSoft CorporationReliaSoft Weibull++
Estensione NPBPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For MySQL Backup Profile
Estensione NPCIntuit Inc.QuickBooks Online Banking
Estensione NPDN/ANetrosoft Presentation Document
Estensione NPDTN/AMac Text
Estensione NPENVIDIA CorporationNVIDIA Ntune Overclock System Performance Manager Profile Settings
Estensione NPEQPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For MySQL Export Query Result Profile
Estensione NPEVPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For MySQL Export View Result Profile
Estensione NPFNTINTI Backup Format
Estensione NPFXSymantecNorton Internet Security Settings Format
Estensione NPGPerion Network Ltd.Magentic Download
Estensione NPIdataBased Intelligence, Inc.DBASE Application Generator Source
Estensione NPJNovaLogic, Inc.Nova Logic Game Mission
Estensione NPKn-TrackN-Track Studio Peak
Estensione NPLNokiaNokia Audio Format
Estensione NPMCorel CorporationCorelDRAW 10 Draw Media Lines
Estensione NPNACD Systems International Inc.Canvas Neon Pen
Estensione NPOKostas labNonpareil Redundancy Summary
Estensione NPPNova DevelopmentArt Explosion Publisher Pro Document Format
Estensione NPPDPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For PostgreSQL Data Synchronization Profile
Estensione NPPEPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For PostgreSQL Exported Table
Estensione NPPEQPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For PostgreSQL Export Query Result Profile
Estensione NPPEVPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For PostgreSQL Export View Result Profile
Estensione NPPIPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For PostgreSQL Import Wizard Profile
Estensione NPPTPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For PostgreSQL Data Transfer Profile
Estensione NPRSteinberg Media TechnologiesNuendo Format
Estensione NPSNTINTI Backup Now Drive Based Backup Set Format
Estensione NPTN/ANavicat For MySQL Data Transfer Profile Format
Estensione NPVNexilogicPixbend Player Pixbend Media
Estensione NPWNikola DachevNPassword
Estensione NPXNorPix Inc.TroublePix Licence
Estensione NPZINCA Internet Co, Ltd.GameGuard Update
Estensione NQASTATCONNQuery Advisor Data
Estensione NQCDave BaumNQC Not Quite C Source Code Format
Estensione NQFN/ANOD32 Quarantine
Estensione NQIN/ANOD32 Quarantine
Estensione NQSTAdobe Systems IncorporatedSoundEdit
Estensione NR-VMPRainer GoebelBrainVoyager QX Native Resolution Volume Map
Estensione NR3Nero AGNero CD-ROM (MP3) Compilation
Estensione NR4Nero AGNero CD-ROM (AAC) Compilation
Estensione NRANeroNero Audio-CD Compilation Format
Estensione NRBNeroNero CD-ROM Boot Compilation Format
Estensione NRBAKThe Neat CompanyNeat Backup
Estensione NRCNeroNero UDF/ISO CD-ROM Compilation
Estensione NRDNeroNero DVD-Video Compilation Format
Estensione NRENero AGNero CD EXTRA Compilation
Estensione NRFIBMIBM Domino Notes Redirection
Estensione NRGNeroNero-Burning ROM CD Or DVD Image Format
Estensione NRHNero AGNero Hybrid CD-ROM Compilation
Estensione NRINeroNero CD-ROM (ISO) Compilation Format
Estensione NRJN/ANero JukeBox Compilation
Estensione NRLAutonomy InterwovenAutonomy Interwoven Link Format
Estensione NRMNeroNero Mixed-Mode-CD Compilation Format
Estensione NRMLIBThe Neat CompanyNeat Document Library
Estensione NRPe.World Technology LimitedASP.NET Report Maker Report
Estensione NRSN/ANovaBACKUP Restore Script Format
Estensione NRTNokiaNokia Ringtone Format
Estensione NRUNeroNero UDF CD-ROM Compilation Format
Estensione NRVNero AGNero Video-CD Compilation
Estensione NRWNikonNikon RAW Image Format
Estensione NRXThe Neat CompanyNeatReceipts SCANALIZER Expense Report
Estensione NSProcedimientos-Uno, S.L.NSwin Project
Estensione NS1Marius MilnerNetStumbler NS1 Log
Estensione NS2IBMLotus Notes Database Format
Estensione NS3IBMLotus Notes Database Format
Estensione NS4IBMLotus Notes Database Format
Estensione NSANullsoftNullsoft Winamp Streaming Audio Format
Estensione NSBCAN/ANintendo DS Model Animation Format
Estensione NSBMDN/ANintendo DS Game 3D Model Format
Estensione NSBTAN/ANintendo DS Texture Animation Format
Estensione NSBTXN/ANintendo DS Model Texture Format
Estensione NSCMicrosoft CorporationWindows Media Station
Estensione NSCRNintendoNintendo DS Title Screen Format
Estensione NSDSymantec CorporationNorton System Doctor Sensor Configuration
Estensione NSEN/ANmap Security Scanner Scripting Engine
Estensione NSFIBMLotus Notes Database Format
Estensione NSFEN/ANintendo NES Audio File With Enhanced Tags
Estensione NSGIBMLotus Notes Database
Estensione NSHNullsoftNSIS Header Format
Estensione NSINullsoftNSIS Nullsoft Scriptable Install System Script Format
Estensione NSLLOCApple, Inc.Apple Mac OS X Finder NSL Internet Location
Estensione NSPDPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For SQL Server Data Synchronization Profile
Estensione NSPEPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For SQL Server Exported Table
Estensione NSPEQPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For SQL Server Export Query Result Profile
Estensione NSPEVPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For SQL Server Export View Result Profile
Estensione NSPIPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For SQL Server Import Wizard Profile
Estensione NSPLAOL Inc.Netscape Navigator Plugin
Estensione NSPTPremiumSoft CyberTech Ltd.Navicat For SQL Server Data Transfer Profile
Estensione NSQSyntesNScheduler Qlikview Schedule Format
Estensione NSRTenable Network SecurityNessus Project Format
Estensione NSSIncrediMailMagentic Screensaver Format
Estensione NSTN/ANoiseTracker Music Module
Estensione NSUNVIDIA CorporationNVIDIA NTune Command System Profile Settings
Estensione NSVNullsoftNullsoft Winamp Video Format
Estensione NSXVista SoftwareApollo Server Database Index
Estensione NSZNVIDIA CorporationBenchmark Data File Used By NVidia NTune Tool
Estensione NTMicrosoftWindows NT Command Script Format
Estensione NT7Orchida SoftOrchida Knitting System Pattern
Estensione NTCNikonNikon Camera Control Pro Custom Curves Format
Estensione NTDNinjaTrader, LLCNinjaTrader
Estensione NTFNEATOMediaFACE CD Label Format
Estensione NTFPN/ANintendo DS Nitro File Palette
Estensione NTFSN/ANTFS Partition Format
Estensione NTHNokiaNokia Series 40 And 60 Theme Format
Estensione NTJIWR Computer ConsultancyJunction Box Backup
Estensione NTLN/ADiablo 2 Mod D2NT Script
Estensione NTMGPS MoldovaNavitel Map
Estensione NTNN/ANOTION Song Format
Estensione NTPNEATOMediaFACE CD Label
Estensione NTRKUbisoft EntertainmentPacific Fighters Track Format
Estensione NTSIBMLotus Notes Traveler Server Config Format
Estensione NTTNEATOMediaFACE Template
Estensione NTVAutometrixPatternSmith Import
Estensione NTWNoteworthy Software, Inc.Noteworthy Composer Song
Estensione NTXClipperClipper Database Index Format
Estensione NTZNetZ ComputingInVircible Antivirus Directory Integrity Information
Estensione NU4Symantec CorporationNorton Utilities DLL Root
Estensione NUBXEROX CORPORATIONXerox FreeFlow NUB Init
Estensione NUCZiheng YangPAML Data
Estensione NUDN/ANow Up-To-Date Calendar Data
Estensione NUFSymantec CorporationProcomm Plus New User Message
Estensione NUGETOutercurve FoundationNuGet Package
Estensione NUGGSAP AGSAP Generated Nugg
Estensione NUMDiction SoftwareDiction
Estensione NUMBERSAppleApple Numbers Spreadsheet Format
Estensione NUMBERS-TEFAppleApple Numbers ICloud Spreadsheet Format
Estensione NUPESETESET Nod32 Antivirus Update Format
Estensione NUPKGNuGetNuGet Source Code Package Format
Estensione NUSPECNuGetNuGet Settings Format
Estensione NUTN/ANUT Open Container Format
Estensione NUVN/AMythTV NuppelVideo Video Format
Estensione NVThe MAME TeamMAME NVRAM Format
Estensione NV2Q.W. Page AssociatesNewViews 2 Accounting Data Format
Estensione NVAVINero AGSplit AVI Audio Video Interchange Format
Estensione NVCNeroNero Vision Express Project Format
Estensione NVDSavannahNavidoc
Estensione NVDLInternational Standards OrganizationNVDL Script
Estensione NVFCreative LabsCreative Labs Nomad Voice Format
Estensione NVINVIDIANVidia Graphics Card Driver Settings Format
Estensione NVJAfreet Software Inc.Net Vampire Job
Estensione NVLN/AUniChem Results Format
Estensione NVMN/APlayStation 2 BIOS Configuration Format
Estensione NVPAfreet Software Inc.Net Vampire Job
Estensione NVRNational Creative Registry, Inc.NeverForget
Estensione NVRAMVMwareVMware VM BIOS State Format
Estensione NVSGNVIDIA CorporationNVIDIA SceniX Scene Management Engine Format
Estensione NVTN/ANeuraLynx Video Tracker
Estensione NVXNovel CAE SolutionsNvStructural Extension
Estensione NVZvisualnovelty.comNovelty Actor
Estensione NW3Novell, Inc.Novell Netware.3x
Estensione NW4Novell, Inc.Netware.4x
Estensione NWAStardock CorporationNatural Windows Animation
Estensione NWBNikon CorporationNikon Capture White Balance
Estensione NWBAKThe Neat CompanyNeat Backup
Estensione NWCNoteWorthyNoteworthy Composer Song Format
Estensione NWCABThe Neat CompanyNeat Software Cabinet
Estensione NWCPNisus Software, Inc.Nisus Writer Pro Clipboard Document
Estensione NWCTXTNoteWorthyNoteWorthy Composer Text Format
Estensione NWDAutodeskNavisWorks Snapshot Format
Estensione NWDBThe Neat CompanyNeatReceipts Database
Estensione NWELICENSENisus Software, Inc.Nisus Writer Pro License
Estensione NWFAutodeskNavisWorks Project Format
Estensione NWMN/ASony NWM Display Screen Format
Estensione NWNBioWareBioware Aurora Engine Module
Estensione NWPIncrediMailMagentic Content Format
Estensione NWSMicrosoftMicrosoft Outlook Express News Message Format
Estensione NWUTNovell, Inc.NetWare Tools
Estensione NWVNuanceDragon NaturallySpeaking User Archive Format
Estensione NWXLucasArts Entertainment Company, LLCOutlaws Choreography
Estensione NW_Noteworthy Software, Inc.Noteworthy Composer Compressed
Estensione NX1NexusDB Pty Ltd.NexusDB Database
Estensione NX2NexusDB Pty Ltd.NexusDB Database
Estensione NXBNexus Marine ABNexus Race Software Raw Data
Estensione NXCThe LEGO GroupNXC Not EXactly C Source Code Format
Estensione NXDTruTamil LLCNdxCards Index Card Project
Estensione NXGNetopiaESite Builder NXG Web Page Format
Estensione NXNAvid Technology, Inc.Avid Interplay Permanent License
Estensione NXTNext, Inc.NeXT Sound
Estensione NX^DApple, Inc.WriteNow 2 Document
Estensione NYN/ANyquist Plug-in Format
Estensione NYFWjj SoftwareMyBase Database Format
Estensione NZSami RunsasNanoZip Compressed Archive
Estensione NZBNewzBin.comNewzbin Download Pointer Format
Estensione NZLCorel CorporationCorel Painter Nozzle
Estensione NZNN/ARMCProfile List

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